Richard Reynolds prosecuted the appeal of Mr Dabbagh for assaulting Mr Steve Pinner from Channel 5’s Can’t Pay We’ll Take it Awa

Richard Reynolds

Richard Reynolds prosecuted the appeal of Mr Dabbagh for assaulting Mr Steve Pinner from Channel 5's Can't Pay We'll Take it Away TV show in the Crown Court at Guildford.

Mr Dabbagh assaulted Mr Pinner in the course of his seizure of property from the defendant under a High Court writ. The appeal was dismissed and the conviction upheld. Various issues to do with the validity of the writ and the rights of Mr Pinner and Mr Max Carracher (also starring in the same TV programme) to have entered the appellant's home in order to seize the property were at issue in the litigation of the appeal.

Mr Pinner had taken control of car keys at the property in order to secure various vehicles when the appellant assaulted him in an attempt to stop Mr Pinner in his lawful duties.

The appellant had been acquitted of a further charge of assault on Mr Carracher in the lower court in which Mr Reynolds did not act."


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