The areas of work in which we have particular expertise, experience and excellence
As part of Chambers commitment to equal treatment and opportunities to all, here you will find our diversity statistics for the make-up of Chambers Staff as of Summer 2021.
3 Temple Gardens Chambers (“3TG”) is committed to equal treatment and opportunities for all. Through the collection and analysis of data, Chambers seeks to ensure that its policies and action plans are not only implemented but used towards the stated goals of equality, diversity and inclusion. This report contains the results of our Chambers Diversity Survey carried out in November 2020 for barristers and in May 2021 for staff members. This is because in November 2020, a number of staff members were on furlough due to the Covid19 global pandemic. The BSB Code of Conduct requires all barristers’ chambers to publish anonymised diversity date at least once every three years. The survey is conducted on a voluntary basis; thus, we highlight that the data is not 100% reflective of our membership as a whole. Not all responded but a large portion did respond in order to shed reliable light on diversity at chambers. A total of 55 responses were received (staff members and barrister members), equating to a response rate of 76.39%. We endeavour for an upward trend in responses as time passes. At the time of this report, chambers had a total of 64 barrister members and 8 staff members. Staff members’ and barrister members’ data have been collected and reported separately. The results set out in this Report are based on responses received from those who participated. The total numbers may differ across categories as responses to each individual question was voluntary. Accordingly, the summaries may not reflect the position that might have existed if all those eligible to participate had chosen to do so for each individual question. Data is not published where its publication might reasonably lead to the identification of individuals without their consent i.e. where there are fewer than ten individuals within each published category who identify with the same diversity characteristic (unless they all agree for it to be published). We also have not differentiated our Queen’s Counsel data from junior barrister members as there are less than 10 QCs save on the ‘Role’ chart. 3TG endeavoured to use the language for protected characteristics as used by the Home Office and Stonewall.
Ruth Reid and Kevin Aldridge
Equality and Diversity Data Officers
26th May 2021.
Do you consider yourself to have a disability according to the definition in the Equality Act (2010)?
Limited Activities
Are your day-to-day activities limited because of a health problem or disability which has lasted, or is
expected to last at least 12 months?
Ethnic Origin
Religion or belief
Sexual Orientation
Socio-economic background – University
If you went to University, were you part of the first generation of your family to do so?
Socio-economic background – Schooling
What type of school did you mainly attend between the ages of 11-18?
Caring responsibilities – Primary Carer
Are you a primary carer for a child or children under 18?
Caring responsibilities – Caring for others
Do you look after, or give any help or support to family members, friends, neighbours or others
because of either: – Long-term physical or mental ill-health / disability – Problems related to old age
For roughly how many hours per week?
For help and advice talk to a member of our clerking team. They can advise on the best options for your matter.
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